Saturday, June 23, 2007

One Year Ago This Week - Part 2

I had left my job in Washington DC six months earlier and was in a transition period looking to most likely move, but didn't know where and what my next career would be.

About the same time that I came to Hope Springs to volunteer for the week, I was researching the feasibility of starting my own business as an online bookseller of used, rare, and out-of-print books.

In fact one of the buildings at Hope Springs is a farm house they have converted into lodging and group space that reminded me of my grandmother’s home in Utah where we spent a month visiting relatives, every summer vacation.

When I found my log cabin house it really clicked for me. By then I had done enough research that I knew I could start my own business of selling books online. And that meant that I could live where ever I wanted to, and wouldn’t be tied to moving where “a job was”.

Another huge plus was that I’ve always loved books and when researching my next career and exploring selling on eBay, I kept reading over and over, “sell what you know and love”. So books it is…

I’ve named my business, “Antiquarian Book Lounge” and am loving it. Especially scouting for books to sell.

I’ll share more in future postings about the online book selling business and my new life of moving from the city to the country and interesting experiences, adventures and learnings.

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